Tellington TTouch®
What is TTouch?
TTouch is a unique, holistic, and animal-centered method to help animals overcome emotional and physical issues through specific touches, movement exercises and equipment.

TTouch works on the nervous system of animals, which counteracts the sympathetic nervous system that produces a 'fight and flight' response.

Benefits of TTouch
Non-invasive and gentle TTouch, body wrap, and movement exercises promote calmness, help reduce tension in the body, induce feel-good chemicals such as oxytocin and serotonin, and improve balance, movement, and posture. Improved mental and physical balance enhances learning ability and builds more robust relationships.
TTouch Philosophy
TTouch is based on building trust & co-operation between humans and animals, and respects each animal as an individual.
Learn More
Visit for more information about TTouch.
TTouch Workshops
TTouch-specific workshops are offered a couple of times a year. The details of our workshops will be announced on our website Schedule page and Facebook.